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Результати 472 до 491 із 3166 < назад   далі >
Дата випускуНазваАвтор(и)
2020Ukraine - the NATO: mutual relations and partnerships main stagesAlexiyevets, Lesya; Alexiyevets, Mykola
2019Ukraine and the soviet export of the communist revolution to Europe in 1919Turchenko, Halyna; Turchenko, Fedir
2020Ukraine in the foreign policy of the United Kingdom in the context of European integration (1991 – 2019)Hrubinko, Andrii
2020Ukraine's Lands as an Important Factor of the Development of Trade and Geopolitical Contacts according to the Data from Arabographic Written SourcesTuranly, Ferhad
2021Ukrainian Academy of Arts: historical progress (1917 – 1920)Teliachyi, Yurii; Kryshchuk, Bogdan
2022Ukrainian Canadian Committee Activities in Information and Analytical Materials of the KGB of the Ukrainian SSRSiromskyi, Ruslan; Kachmar, Volodymyr
2022Ukrainian Citizens' Committee in 1918 – 1921 (according to the materials of the periodical "Dilo")Kurylyshyn, Kostiantyn; Vyzdryk, Vitaliy
2020Ukrainian everyday life of the first quarter of the XVIIIth century (based on the example of the court case of Prokop Sylenko, Starodubskyi regiment judge and Yakov Shyrai, a merchant)Kryvosheia, Iryna; Kryvosheia, Igor
2020Ukrainian historical science in the Second Polish Republic: institutional aspectTelvak, Vitalii; Lozynska, Iryna; Nowacki, Roman
2022Ukrainian Humanitarians ies in the Second Polish Republic: Participation in Foreign Scientific CooperationTelvak, Vitalii; Salata, Oksana; Nowacki, Albert
2019Ukrainian manorial estates culture in the researches at the end of the XIXth and the beginning of the XXth centuriesKazmyrchuk, Mаriia
2021Ukrainian past of the first half of the twentieth century in the mirror of polish historiography: new analytical structureVladyga, Olga; Zhuravlov, Sviatoslav
2020Ukrainian schooling before World War I (based on the "Dilo" magazine)Vyzdryk, Vitaliy; Kurylyshyn, Konstiantyn
2021Ukrainian-Jewish relations during the period of the UNR Directory: based on the information on the towns of Right-Bank UkraineKomarnitskyi, Oleksandr; Komarnitskа, Liudmyla
2022Ukrainian-Polish Intercultural Communication in the Border Areas (the end of the 20th - the beginning of the 21st century)Chmelyk, Roman; Khakhula, Liubomyr
2022"Unconventional Histories": the Polish Historiography in Search of New Social PerspectivesYaremchuk, Vitalii
2020Unusual Nazism: Ukrainian National-Socialist Workers’ Party in the post-war DonbasPatryliak, Ivan; Hryn, Dmytro
2021Updating the repertoire of the Ukrainian film studios in the context of the Perestroika processAbakumova, Viktoria
2021Use of digital tools in English teachingНікітіна, Наталя; Лакійчук, Ольга
2017Uwagi na marginesie zmian w ramach Europejskiej strefy edukacji wyższej1Sławiński, Piotr